The successful start-up of a RopeCon® system which will transport limestone from the quarry to the area where it will be processed has recently taken place in Guatemala, approx. 35km from the capital. The installation, which requires no more than 4 tower structures to cross a wooded terrain, has a length of approx. 1.6km and covers a vertical rise of almost 200m. Thanks to the long rope spans it has been possible to minimise the amount of space required on the ground. The cement plant of Guatemalan Cementos Progreso, S. A. is due to take up operations in the first half of year 2017. From then on, RopeCon® will transport 2,100 tons of material every hour.
RopeCon® has been developed and designed by the Austrian ropeway manufacturer Doppelmayr and combines the features of a belt conveyor with those of a ropeway, thereby making use of the advantages of both technologies. It is currently in use for a variety of material transport applications all over the world.
Doppelmayr Transport Technology GmbH
Holzriedstrasse 29
6922 Wolfurt, Austria
T +43 5574 604 1206
F +43 5574 604 1209