Reducing Driver Risk Through Behavioral Change


According to data provided by ArriveAlive, more than 80% of accidents are a result of human error, whilst only around 10% are due to road conditions and a smaller percentage due to vehicle faults. It means that 90% of the collisions on the roads are in fact avoidable. Collision statistics on mine haul roads would not be less similar. Often collisions or accidents on mine haul roads have more severe injuries due to the sheer size of mining equipment operating and using these roads. The fact that small LDVs share these roads with large machines adds to the risk of using these roads. This risk is reflected by the strict rules that are implemented for operating a vehicle on a mine site and circumjacent roads. These rules are communicated during induction, with reminders all around the mine imploring operators not to use cell phones, to ensure they are buckled up, and adhere to speed limits and stop signs. Despite all these measures, vehicle operators break the rules, and they do this because there is little or no accountability when the driver is moving around the mine. This shortcoming results in a dramatic increase in risk, that SHEQ managers struggle to combat. The truth is, that if mines knew half of what’s happening on the haul roads, most of the contractors would be banned due to non-compliance with the safety rules.

With the continuous improvement in technologies, there are solutions which address the issues surrounding the lack of accountability of drivers. In times gone by the only data a fleet owner could access was tachograph info, that often needed to be translated! DriveRisk however finds itself on the cutting edge of technology and offers a myriad of risk mitigation products that specifically address driver behaviour. The Lytx DriveCam, an innovative solution from US is the principle solution that DriveRisk offers. DriveCam offers the ability to monitor driver behaviour by exception, making managing risk simpler and more effective. Bad driving behaviour is captured through an intelligent Event Recorder when the specific programmed thresholds of a vehicle are exceeded. This event is reviewed and scored based on severity of the event and made available with comments for coaching. The coaching process is designed to empowering the driver, increasing his awareness to the risk of his actions, and assists in ultimately improving the driver, this drives skill. This entire process is documented.

In the event of collisions, the program has also reduced downtime in providing clear information through a video clip as to what caused the collision. Further to the operational value, DriveRisk also allocates dedicated CSM (Customer Service Managers) who work closely with the mines respective personnel to ensure that risk is driven down, and collisions avoided. DriveRisk ultimately partners with the mine. This partnership is ongoing and is included in the price.

DriveRisk offers additional solutions that address other areas of risk, and compliment the DriveCam offering, such as fatigue monitoring, distracted driving monitoring, fuel theft monitoring, peripheral cameras as well as fleet tracking. Together, from one supplier, this basket of solutions will reduce risk, improve skill, increase uptime, and add to the bottom line and profitability of any mining operation.

Clients have experienced note worthy savings in Maintenance, and fuel, as well as damages that need to be repaired, and it is highly recommended that mines look to additional measures and systems to continuously improve safety on and around the mines. One accident is one accident too many.




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