Kansanshi mine PLC to improve road infrastructure in Solwezi


Roads of Solwezi. Dusty in dry season, muddy and rutted in rain season.

Kansanshi mine is looking at improving the road infrastructure in Solwezi district if the local authority allows the company to bid for road construction tenders.

Kansanshi mine corporate social responsibility manager Bruce Lewis explains how  the mine would work on selected roads in the district at a much cheaper rate whilst delivering quality works if only the municipality gives them a go ahead.

He said the mines are ready to partner with the local authority in bringing development to the district.

And Solwezi municipal council deputy mayor Nephan Kamwandi says the local authority is open to partnering with institutions that are willing to foster development in the district.

Mr Kamwandi said Solwezi municipal council will take into consideration the mines proposal.


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