Hexagon Mining introduces modelling software GeoLogic


Hexagon Mining has launched its modelling software solution GeoLogic, which will assist geologists in exploring multiple interpretative scenarios and quickly build complex shapes directly from drillholes.

The solution is completely integrated with the company’s MineSight Planning Suite to provide geologists with effective, time-saving modelling.

GeoLogic leverages implicit modelling methodology to sequence surfaces and solids to generate a model that enables development of a timeline of geological events. The model can also be updated with new information.

Hexagon Mining product manager Melanie Bolduc said: “GeoLogic improves our versatile geology solution. It enables geologists to move seamlessly from data interpretation, data interpolation, and data statistics using integrated functionalities.”

GeoLogic is equipped with smart vein-set creation and strata-layer stacking methodology based on MineSight’s true thickness functionality. It seamlessly manages fault blocks and unconformities and is powered by Radial Basis Function.

“It enables geologists to move seamlessly from data interpretation, data interpolation, and data statistics using integrated functionalities.”

The solution enables users to procure maximum field data information by combining surface mapping point, downhole data point and downhole and surface orientation.

As GeoLogic builds complex models according to the geological event timeline, geologists can arrange and reorganise them to develop clipped surfaces and solids that will enable them to interpret the mining deposit.

The company claimed that these complex models are secure and can be used as the foundation for domain creation when transitioning to the resource block model phase.

Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, Hexagon Mining focuses on solving surface and underground challenges to improve mining operations and safety.


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