FXA42 – Run the supply chain of tomorrow


Internet of Things for your inventory control

If you want to make effective decisions, the availability of high-quality online and real-time data is essential. From simple monitoring and visualization of tanks and silos through to monitoring on a global scale: Our modular solutions for inventory control guarantee complete inventory visibility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere in the world. We help to reduce complexities in logistics and supply chains which are troubling a large number of companies from different industries.


  • Transparent decisions: Improve your material availability and make transparent business decisions thanks to completely scalable inventory monitoring solutions.
  • The right measurement device for any application: Being the expert for level measurement, we offer perfect fit instrumentation for your needs. Whatever you intend to measure, we have the right answer.
  • Increased productivity: Increase your productivity with complete inventory visibility 24/7. Our integration capabilities and inventory management software solutions enable the collaboration and business decisions among different stakeholders.
  • Reduction of logistics and storage costs: Easy performance in both components and your plant lead to savings in capital and operational expenditure phases of the plant life-cycle.
  • Services and engineering: Whatever your industry or wherever your location might be, our global service force of over 1000 experts is strategically located worldwide ensuring active local presence to help you to reach your goals.

From sensor to boardroom

Inventory control architecture is quite simple: All you need is field devices, gateways and the right software package. And, of course, a partner on whom you can rely in the configuration of components and systems. With our portfolio of measurement instruments, gateways and software packages, we can customise a solution which perfectly fits your needs:

Simple visualisation of silos and tanks

It is typical for manufacturing companies that stock values are not measured and displayed consistently in real-time. As a result, the treatment of inventory data is largely manual leading to data errors as well as labour duplication. This often causes high stock levels, high inventory costs and decisions that are based on feelings, not on facts. Our solutions for inventory control guarantee simple monitoring and visualization of tanks and silos to solve the typical problems mentioned.

Central inventory monitoring of multiple plants or sites

Nowadays, businesses are pushing into new regions due to increasing needs to reduce costs and to extend into new business opportunities. If you can collect real-time inventory information across the world, you have the best chance of utilising existing material stocks and reducing locked-in inventory costs. Our local interfaces and SupplyCare provide you with the exact information in real time for profound decision making even throughout an enterprise.

Vendor managed inventory

The automated and efficient management of business processes must not be confined to the company alone. Collaborating with business partners, more efficient business models can evolve. One such model is Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), where the supplier is responsible for the replenishment and delivery of material to customers.

_Fieldgate FXA42

Fieldgate FXA42 - Gateway for remote monitoring

Fieldgate FXA42 is developed for remote monitoring of field devices with digital or 4 to 20mA interface regardless of location. It supports communication interfaces like WLAN, 3G as well as Modbus. With its integrated web server technology it can easily be configured online and measured values can be visualized online. FXA42 also offers data logging and alarm management functions.

For more information, please visit:

The SupplyCare Hosting (SCH30) cloud-based inventory management platform supports users in collaborative demand planning, event-driven replenishment planning and scheduling as well as the reconciliation (in/out) and consolidation (totaling) of geographically distributed inventories. You can involve partners from all entities and even from different companies to make your supply chain smarter. SupplyCare Hosting runs on a redundant server infrastructure at Endress+Hauser and is available via web browser.

For more information, please visit:

Alternatively, Supply chain management software SupplyCare Enterprise (SCH30B) inventory management platform can be installed directly onto your server

For more information, please contact:

Alwin Lutchman

Business Driver – Inventory Management Solutions



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