Zambia tightens mining industry regulations

By Oscar Nkala,

The Zambian government has ordered all unlicensed mining companies operating in the country to cease operations with effect from March 15, 2018.

In a statement, the Director of Mines in the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development Mooya Luamba said the cessation-of-operations order applied to all companies that do not hold valid Zambian mining licences, mineral processing and trading permits.

He said all companies found to be engaged in mining or transacting within the Zambian mineral value chain without relevant licences and permits will be prosecuted forthwith. Further, all mining, mineral processing and trading companies are now required to declare what they mine and export.

The government has since engaged the services of the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to ensure that mining companies and value chain dealers comply with the new directive against illegal mining and meet the new minerals trade reporting conditions.

“It is the desire of the government that the ministry and other relevant agencies, such as the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), gain full oversight of the mineral supply and value chain in order to ensure effective monitoring of mineral production and exports,” Mooya said.

The customs and excise department of the national revenue authority has been directed to make sure that only ‘authentic companies with relevant documents from all the relevant institutions’ are allowed to trade in, or export Zambian mineral products.


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